En tournée


A cappella

Video clip
Contact diffusion
Marta Blanchetti - 06 08 26 89 70 - diffusion@sequenza93.fr


Melodies from all over the world, collected in Seine-Saint-Denis - a ‘world-region’ - and given a personal touch by today's composers.
  • 9 mixed voices a cappella
  • Traditional songs from around the world collected in Seine-Saint-Denis
  • Arrangements by Alexandros Markeas, Coralie Fayolle, Manuel Peskine, Thibault Perrine, François Saint-Yves
  • Running time: 1h05


CORSICA, Nanna di Palleca - François Saint-Yves (1971 -)
Corsican lullaby published in Venice in 1841

CHILE, Gracias a la vida - Manuel Peskine
Song written in the 20th century by the committed Chilean artist Violeta Parrà

CHINA, Molihua - Manuel Peskine
Chinese folk song written during the Qing dynasty

ISRAEL, Yeroushalayim shel zahav - Coralie Fayolle
Song based on an old Basque lullaby

PALESTINE, Nami ya Hanin Nami - Coralie Fayolle
Palestinian lullaby in the Bedouin tradition

GREECE, Les Cueilleuses de lentisques - Alexandros Markeas
Traditional song from the island of Chio

BANGLADESH, Kolonkini Radha - Alexandros Markeas
Folk melody from Eastern India

VIETNAM, Cầu tre - Laurent Durupt
Traditional rhyme very popular in southern Vietnam

ALGERIA, Alaiki minni salam
Algerian song celebrating the land of the ancestors

MAGHREB - SPAIN, Harramtou bik nou'âssi - Thibault Perrine
Love song from the Arab-Andalusian melting pot

TURKEY, Ilgaz - Coralie Fayolle
Old folk rhyme with unknown roots

Vox Humana! - Fabien Touchard, based on three traditional songs:
TUNISIA, Allah, Allah Ya baba
A popular Sufi tune
BRITANNY, Silverstrig
Traditional Breton song recounting the Norman conquest of England in the 11th century
CATALONIA, El cant dels ocells
Traditional Catalan Christmas song

GALICE, A Rianxeira - Alexandros Markeas
Popular song and hymn from Galicia, celebrating the women who work the sea

GREECE, Darla - Alexandros Markeas
Ancient Greek folk song of sailors

SPAIN, Nana - François Saint-Yves
Andalusian lullaby with a suspenseful litany

Seine-Saint-Denis, where my ensemble has been based for 30 years, is a land teeming with aesthetics, a veritable archipelago of musical styles, at the confluence of multiple cultures.

In my own way, I wanted to play my part in promoting this infinitely rich intangible heritage.

Going out to meet local people, we carried out a meticulous collection of songs in the area, gathering melodies from all over the world over a 3-year period. Some of them, most of them from the oral tradition, have won me over with the essential emotion they seem to carry within them.

With Confluence, a programme for 9 mixed voices a cappella, I would like to invite you on an imaginary journey through a dozen languages, deploying a shimmering palette of rhythmic motifs, scales and vocal colours.